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Making a Commodity Cool

Advertising, Digital, Media

The Challenge

Who thinks about ubiquitous corners? ClarkDietrich does, along with the thousands of interior finishing professionals who take pride in making sure that the wall corners inside the homes and buildings we occupy are crisp, clean and pleasing to the eye. Our client wanted to elevate the presence of their uncommonly capable, higher-performing drywall corner bead product. But do so in a way that meant the message met the eyes that really matter.

The Answer

By knowing the many audiences of our clients well, we know that it’s not a cliché to this particular audience that details matter. It’s pretty much the whole job. Be it the lines of a sexy luxury sedan, or the 90° transition between a hallway and a sitting room, it’s got to be perfect. We approached this assignment by equating fine design with fine construction—and with a fine degree of digital targeting. When the figures came in, the campaign as a whole overshot industry standards for click-through rate to the tune of 63%, fueled by the interstitial ads that exceeded benchmarks by an even higher 94%.
Campaign Strategy & Development, Advertising, Digital, Media Planning & Buying